修复官方Demo SimpleTunnel运行问题

PacketProvider Extension 不运行

On iOS problems like this almost always boil down to one of two things. Entitlements You wrote: I checked the entitlements and NE seems to be properly setup in both the containing App and the app-extension. Did you check the entitlements of the built binaries or just the .entitlements file? You must check do the former, because that’s what the system looks at. The .entitlements file is just one input to the code signing machinery, as I explain in my Debugging Entitlement Issues post. Info.plist You should double check that your provider’s Info.plist is set up correctly. Specifically, check that the NSExtension property is set up like this:


where: Module is your Swift module name (if you’re using Objective-C, remove both the Module and the .) Provider is the name of your NEPacketTunnelProvider subclass Share and Enjoy

注意,上面的NSExtensionPrincipalClass key对应的内容,应该是:


这个在有些app中,却不需要这么写,直接 PacketTunnelProvider 指明类名就可以了。还在探讨中…

NSStreamDelegate 不执行

注意,在升级Swift 版本到 3.0时,很多系统API的Delegate方法的命名是改变的,但是在Xcode自动转换为Swift 3.0版本时,并没有帮我们改正这些原来错误的命名。比如:下面是旧版Swift下NSStreamDelegate的方法声明:

    func stream(aStream: Stream, handleEvent eventCode: Stream.Event) {

而在Swift 3.0后,这个方法的命名变成了下面:

    func stream(_ aStream: Stream, handle eventCode: Stream.Event) {


Failed to create a utun interface: Operation not permitted



[1]: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/77704

[2]: https://forums.developer.apple.com/thread/73509


Jenkins 编译包含Watch OS2 App Target的应用时报错

错误重现我们使用Jenkins 来进行我们的代码集成编译,当应用内添加了 Watch OS2 App的支持时,提交上去的代码会编译失败。失败提示如下:找不到 Watch App。错误分析我们发现其实是编译出来了,只是路径没有找对。分析我们的编译脚本:xcodebuild -scheme ${SCHEME_NAME} -workspace test.workspace -configuration ${CONFIGURATION_MODE} clean build CONFIGURATION...…
